Exhibits To Go! Coming of Age: The 1968 Generation
Discover how Minnesota teens came of age in the 1960s, a decade when people fought for liberty, feminism rose, family television shows proliferated, the draft knocked, music “was huge,” fashion showed its colors and assassinations betrayed something “very wrong in this country.”
General instructions
Exhibit panels
- Exterior AD Banner (PDF 1.36 mb)
- Interior AD Banner (PDF 1.35 mb)
- Intro Panel (PDF 1.44 mb)
- Dress Codes Panel (PDF 1.29 mb)
- Everyday Life Panel (PDF 1.35 mb)
- That 60s Sound Panel (PDF 1.88 mb)
- Upheaval and Change Panel (PDF 1.6 mb)
- War in Vietnam Panel (PDF 1.06 mb)
Condition reporting forms
- COA Incoming Condition Report Form (PDF 498.38 kb)
- COA Outgoing Condition Report Form (PDF 499.23 kb)
Exhibit creators: The Minnesota History Center Traveling Exhibits Program