CTA Architects Engineers

Company Information

226 Washington Avenue North
Minneapolis, MN 55401

Business Phone: 612-213-2186

Year Established: 1938

Specialties: Architects, Historic, Architects, Landscape, Engineers, Structural, Historic Preservation Consultants, Historic Tax Credits Consultant, Log Structure Restoration, Masons and Masonry Restoration, Window Restoration

Training/Experience: CTA’s HPS has had significant experience in the areas of materials and systems; building behavior and pathologies; historic materials and their degradation; and how weather and other outside sources impact character-defining features. Our healthy working relationships with the National Park Service and State Historic Preservation Officers has strengthened our knowledge base, our ability to receive project approval by the reviewing authorities, and the success of our preservation solutions. Our staff regularly participates in and leads historic preservation workshops.

Notes: CTA’s Historic Preservation Services (HPS) has focused our expertise on historic buildings throughout the United States, from Maryland to California. CTA’s HPS works closely with our firm’s structural and civil engineers, electrical and mechanical engineers, and interiors group to create unique solutions specific and sensitive to each property’s needs. We provide the full range of preservation services: HABS documentations, National Register nominations, assessments, feasibility studies, historic structure reports, and full preparation of rehabilitation and restoration documents.


Project: Copshaholm Condition Assessment and Long-Range Plan
Location: Center for History, South Bend, IN
Year: 2011

Project: Haynes Photo Shop Rehabilitation
Location: Old Faithful Yellowstone National Park, WY
Year: 2012

Project: Stone Barn Restoration
Location: Tallgrass Prairie Natural Preserve, KS
Year: 2014